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Frequently Asked Questions

We get asked a lot of questions about our ProductReviewJobs (“PRJ”). This page serves as a more-detailed overview of our service, and we’ve listed answers to popular questions down below.

Q: Why am I being asked for my personal information?

A: Above all else, we need to make sure you’re real. Our research clients are trusting us to get their products and services in the hands of real, and unique people. So, we need to make sure your email address is valid, and we run some other checks (in real-time) as well, including phone number validation, address validation, IP address validation, and more. Your information is also used to determine which product tests, focus groups, clinical trials, etc. are available to you, since some have strict guidelines on how many people within a certain zip code we can get, etc.

Q: Is this a scam?

A: No, we will never ask you for your credit card information, payment in any way, or anything like that. The most frequent complaint we get is that people don’t understand what our site actually does, so we’re hoping this Frequently Asked Questions section helps with that!

Q: After I test products, will my payment come from ProductReviewJobs?

A: No, your reward/payment will come directly from the independent research company that project was for. *PRJ does not conduct the research ourselves. Our service finds these projects online and in our network of market research clients, then delivers them to you via email. The projects are always conducted 100% outside of our website.

Q: Will I receive a W2, or 1099-MISC tax form for my earnings? Also, do I need to report this on my taxes?

A: *PRJ and its clients will only issue the tax forms required by law, which start at minimum $600 in a year earnings per company. Again, remember that your earnings addressed in Q1 above are coming from each independent market research company, so it’s unlikely any 1 individual company will generate $600 of costs with you in a calendar year, since we have hundreds of companies in our system. With that said, as a taxpayer this does not excuse you from tracking this income as part of your yearly earnings, and although companies do not need to report earnings under $600 to the IRS, that does excuse you from reporting that income to the IRS. We recommend that our members keep notes on which companies have paid them, the amount, and the date received.

Q: If you aren’t actually sending me products, what does PRJ do?

A: Market research companies provide great opportunities for individuals, but they are usually terrible at finding people online. They list craigslist ads, post on low-follower Facebook accounts, ask family and friends to participate, etc. That’s where we come in- we partner with all of those research companies to find people for them. And rather than run ads all the time for specific projects, we built this website so we can have pool of qualified, interested people ready to go. So, when a research company brings a new project to us, we already have your info, and we’ll email you the invite. We help our members get early access to these new projects and alert them as they come in, rather than trying to constantly find new ones online.

Q: Do I need to pay for the products first, and then I get reimbursed later? Or do they send me the products up front?

A: Simple rule- leave your credit card in your wallet. We try to avoid any projects where our members are asked to buy something up front, so just don’t ever do that. If you come across a project asking you to buy something before you can test it, please email us to alert us of it. This does not apply to projects that ask you to go to a specific store and detail your experience (“Mystery Shopper”)- that’s actually fun but yes, you’ll need to be reimbursed afterward rather than paid before.

Q: I’ve been a member for a while, and I haven’t gotten any products. What do I do?

A: Please continue to be patient. We know it’s frustrating, but we’re still a relatively new website, and our network of market research companies is still growing. Product tests are rare. What’s more common are other projects we offer- paid clinical trials, online focus groups, and online paid surveys. We look at it like this: we’re not going to email you or bother you a lot with things that are not product tests or free samples, so it doesn’t hurt to just sign up and be on our list. We’ll reach out to you when we have a project that fits. If you’re very eager to start right away, our site does recommend a few other comparable websites that have been around longer and offer a similar service.

Q: I was told I can make $X amount doing this. Is that accurate?

A: Our maximum amount you could earn is based on a very active user, doing all types of things on our site. Example week: you participate in a paid clinical trial ($300) + you test a new product ($50) + you scan groceries receipts for a project ($50) + you take a bunch of online surveys ($100). These are estimates on rates only, and factors in your time invested. More common, we hope our members can earn an extra couple hundred bucks per month doing a variety of the above at a more relaxed pace.

Q: There are a lot of options; where would you recommend I start if I’m new to this?

A: After you join, we send a welcome email including 5 sites. I’d recommend you sign up to 2 of those websites (just to start getting some frequent email invites for paid surveys). Occasionally check back in on our page, since that recommends 3 programs for you, and it changes over time. Usually, a grocery-scanning project can be found there, and/or an app install project, that both are easy to accomplish and relatively passive. You would also find any available clinical trials on that page. If you have more time available in a regular day, try visiting our job page (see answer to the question about jobs).

Q: I’m looking for a part-time or full-time job where I can work remotely, or work from home. Do you offer that?

A: We have an entire page dedicated to finding WFH/remote jobs for you,

Q: After signing up, I’ve decided this isn’t for me, how do I remove myself from your lists and site?

A: If you got an email from us, there is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of the email. We do not ask any further information from you; just click the link and you’ll be unsubscribed. If you would like your information removed from our system completely, just contact us via email or respond to the email you received from us, and we’ll remove it. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via email!

*Currently ProductReviewJobs does not conduct the surveys & research ourselves, but that is our long term goal. We are prioritized on finding product tests and projects for our members, but once we have consistency in that area, we aim to start conducting the research ourselves and reward members directly.

 *ProductReviewJobs is not a legal or financial advisor, so any recommendations made are from our own opinions and are not to be mistaken for legal or financial advice.

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